After 38 race(s)
Last race added 2018-11-29

Click on the name to see race details.

200- Nigel Edginton M1281
202- Renato Dell'Oro M1280
202- Paolo Carminati M1280
202- Patrick Bierhance M1280
202- Katie Bierhance W1280
206- Benoît Sortais M1252
207- Mélanie Miere W1249
208- Thomas Schreven M1246
208- Jasmina Glad-Schreven W1246
210- Robin Leandersson M1242
211- Mathieu Aguerre M1225
212- Sofia Persson Björk W1221
213- Peter Aronsson M1218
214- Thomas Unsgaard M1213
215- Vincent Louchaert M1208
216- Fabian Hadler M1207
216- Maximilian Wolf M1207
216- Gilles Lafleuriel M1207
219- Teemu Lemmettylä M1202
219- Teemu Toivanen M1202
221- Ulrika Hotopp W1200
222- Johanna Engström W1184
222- Robert Berg M1184
224- Olivier Fernandez-Semeria M1183
225- Susie Moonan W1180
226- Martin Granelund M1177
227- Therese Näsman W1176
228- Mark Threlfall M1157
229- Ulrika Eriksson W1154
230- Jaakko Mäkelä M1150
230- Ville Mäkelä M1150
232- Hanna Carmwall W1146
233- Yann Duquoc M1143
234- Elin Tidblom Jonsson W1140
235- Andrew Bruce M1133
235- Steven Lord M1133
235- Ida Enstedt W1133
238- Daniel Zettervall M1132
238- Sebastian David M1132
240- Victor Dahl M1131
241- Ashkan Fivrin M1126
242- Carine Pion W1125
243- Caroline Jezequel-Cochet W1122
243- Alexandra Neant W1122
245- Tove Strömberg W1120
246- Nicole Schillinger W1117
247- Andreas Kronberg M1115
247- Viktor Ehrnholm Larsson M1115
249- Martin Olander M1114
249- Annica Winblad W1114
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